From Client To Therapist- My Story

“Two hip operations and still in pain so I was willing to try anything! A friend recommended Amatsu so I decided to give it a go. I felt I had nothing to Lose – I had already spent a fortune on Chiropractors, Sports Therapists and Acupuncture but had experienced no  improvement. In fact, even just the exercises I had been advised to do religiously by NHS therapists did nothing
but exacerbate my symptoms.

“My recovery with Amatsu was a turning point which has resulted in me being pain free for approximately 5 years now. Furthermore my overall wellbeing is staggeringly different. Prior to my treatment I felt old before my time, I wasn’t able to run around or kick a ball with my kids and spent hours on end rolling around on a tennis ball in an attempt to get any kind of relief from sciatic symptoms.

The therapy has globally helped in a multitude of ways, including:

  • Eliminating my gastric reflux and other digestive dysfunction
  • Preventing the need for wrist nerve impingement surgery
  • Dramatically improved my mental wellbeing

“The benefits I gained from Amatsu simply blew me away. This gave me great admiration for the therapy and the mystique around the kinesiology testing and to me the ‘listening skills’ of the therapists can only be defined as Jedi powers! So when the opportunity arose to enrol on the course to train to become an Amatsu therapist I was delighted. With the support of my family and friends I commenced the course and became a member of the ‘Amatsu family’.

“The course was delivered in a relaxed and friendly environment by Dennis in such a way that the course content is easily understood and absorbed. He has an amazing ability to demonstrate and project the almost unexplainable ‘art-form’ technique behind Amatsu. I vividly remember speaking to Dennis and Gill about the course content prior to enrolling and being from a university trained medical background as a Diagnostic Radiographer, I couldn’t comprehend how they would be able to deliver such detailed anatomical and physiological understanding in such a short period of time.

Yet everyone on the course, even those from non-medical backgrounds, have excelled under their guidance and teaching.

“For me the learning experience has been a rollercoaster due to my lack of self-confidence but the encouragement and support I received has got me to where I am today. Dennis and Gill taught me to believe in my own abilities and skills and as a result my life has completely changed. Through ‘word of mouth’ referrals I have quickly built up a significant client base and run a busy clinic which has enabled me to become self-employed. This was a significant leap of faith, especially walking away from such a secure and stable NHS profession. However, I can honestly say despite the amount of effort, hard work and the amount of emotional energy consumed along the way, it has been well worth it. The role of an Amatsu therapist can at times be very mentally and physically demanding but seeing the benefits my clients are experiencing from the treatment they receive is unbelievably rewarding.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Dennis, Gill, Chris and James for their help and guidance and also a very heartfelt appreciation to my family (especially my wife) for their faultless support over the last few years.”

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