Dennis Bartram

Dennis Bartram

For over 50 years Denis Bartram has been practising physical therapy, and has undergone training all over the world to learn the skills to provide the best techniques to his clients.
Dennis has learnt many forms of therapy from the age of 19, including; massage, manipulative techniques (chiropractic, osteopathic techniques) applied kinesiology, sacro-occipital technique, spinal touch, reflexology, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and many more, and became one of
the first touch for health instructors in the U.K. as well as this Dennis has trained for over 35 years with Japanese Grandmaster of martial, movement and medicine systems (Amatsu Medicine) Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, and 1995 was one of only 3 westerners be to granted the teaching rights to the Ancient medicine school ran by Dr. Hatsumi.
Over 50 years Dennis has blended what he has learnt to develop the model of Amatsu Orthopathy to become one of the worlds leading alternative therapies bringing together up to date modern scientific research and traditional medicine therapy approaches.

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