Dennis Bartram

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Amatsu therapy, in its modern form within the ATA, has been developed by Dennis Bartram who was inspired by his mentor Dr Massaki Hatsumi, the living grandmaster of this ancient healing art.

Dennis was taught the fundamental ‘heart feeling’ and techniques of Amatsu by Dr. Hatsumi, which he has researched and translated into a modern western framework which is taught today only by ATA approved schools. The Japanese symbol shown on the left of this page translates to mean ‘mysterious hands’, they were drawn by Dr. Hatsumi especially for Dennis during one of his visits to Japan in recognition of his personal expertise and excellence in Amatsu.

In addition to being our chairman, Dennis is also the ATA’s principal researcher and teacher. He is registered with the British Register of Complementary Practitioners (BRCP) as a senior practitioner and advisor, and has been awarded a Fellowship to the ATA.

Read here about Dennis’ journey[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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